Well here it is, my mum’s Jacket all knitted and sewn up! It’s just missing the zip which my mum has offered to do on the sewing machine, since I’m “sew” bad at it! She’s using the tutorial on the
Pickin' and Throwin' Blog, which includes both hand and machine sewing techniques.
This is the front, Sorry for the blurry image! It’s not meant to be yellow, thats just the way it looks because of the lighting in here. If it helps, the background is meant to be white! The front is pinned together at the moment from lack of zip.
This is the back, note the hood! First time I've

knitted a hood and boy was this a strange method! I had to cast off either side, and then knit a middle bit, and then sew it all together afterward! That answered my questions about why I had to pick stitches up for the border – the stitches were picked up from an assortment of side and cast off stitches. I guess you could say how much I now appreciate the value of a short-row hood!
The Pattern: Stylecraft Life Aran 8259
Yarn: Hayfield Bonus Aran from Kemps Wool Shop
Needles needed: 1 pair 4mm straights, 1 pair 5mm straights (although i used circulars for comfort’s sake)
Other stuff needed: cable needle, row markers, row counters, measuring tape, pins, sewing needle, chocolate
Knitting Time: Roughly about a month, on and off
Amount of sewing up to do: quite a lot, it took me about a day, all told